Today people living in most towns, cities and suburbs are literally bathed 24/7, in a variety of electromagnetic fields, microwave radiation and dirty electricity. Recent studies have shown that current safety standards are based on a false premise, which is that the only way that EMFs can hurt our biology is by causing overheating. In fact studies are now showing several other biological mechanisms caused by EMFs that can damage our health.

According to the most conservative estimates by independent EMF researchers, at present up to 35% of the population suffers from “mild to moderate” symptoms of electro sensitivity, including fatigue, sleep disturbance, headaches, difficulty concentrating, depression, memory loss, hearing disruptions, digestive and infertility issues, skin problems and cardiovascular issues. I can help you identify the worst sources of EMF exposure in your environment and show you how to reduce your exposure.


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US National Toxicology Programme - Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation, Final Report. https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/results/areas/cellphones/index.html


Falcioni L. et al. Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission. Environmental Research, Volume 165, August 2018, Pages 496-503: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118300367?via%3Dihub